Kathryn Bloomer Interiors has featured in magazines, websites and blogs. We are both thankful and proud to see our work out there for the world to see!
bathroom trends q+a, housing magazine
Question and answer interview with Kathryn Bloomer on Bathroom design and the latest
Bathroom trends for Housing magazine.

australian house and garden magazine
Kathryn Bloomer Interiors was featured in House & Garden magazine.
Read the interview here.
best of houzz design badge
Kathryn Bloomer Interiors was voted by the Houzz community as a winner of our Best of Houzz 2019
award. Kathryn Bloomer Interiors portfolio includes some of the most popular images on Houzz in 2018.
better homes and gardens online feature
A bedroom from Kathryn Bloomer Interiors was featured in an online article on
“4 reasons why you need a bedhead”
esential kids interview
Kathryn gave her insights and ideas on how to create and maintain a beautiful home with
Children for online website Essential kids.